Symbolic Constants

The following symbolic constants are known to Coffeequate:

Label Value Description
c 299792458 Relativistic constant
G 6.67384e-11 Gravitational constant
π, PI Math.PI Circle constant
E, e Math.E Exponential constant
ε0 8.85418782e-12 Electric constant
μ0 1.25663706e-6 Magnetic constant
k 1.3806488e-23 Boltzmann constant
h 6.62606957e-34 Planck constant
hbar 1.05457173e-34 Reduced Planck constant
NA 6.02214129e23 Avogadro constant
mu 1.66053892e-27 Atomic mass constant
a0 5.29e-11 Bohr radius
ke 1/(4 * Math.PI * 8.85418782e-12) Coulomb constant
ec 1.60217657e-19 Elementary charge
R 8.3144621 Universal gas constant